November 26th

26 Nov

Today was wonderful because…

My niece and I got to hang out together. Her regular daycare person was sick, so my niece stayed home (I guess that’s one advantage to not having regular daily work anymore) and the two of us got to do our favorite things: crafty projects!

Throughout the course of the day we made snowflakes out of tissue paper, colored a snowman coloring sheet (it was all in pieces so we could cut it out and assemble it too. perfect since we don’t have snow yet), painted with dot markers, and started a weaving project. We also got to watch some cartoons, play with lots of toys, and snuggle.

Painting with dot markers actually started out as a game. Even though my niece is 4 she’s really smart. (Scary smart sometimes. Yikes!) She’s great at counting, so we’re working on recognizing numbers. The game worked like this: Roll a dice (I had a travel “Sorry” game, so we just used the dice popper on that, much easier!), count how many dots were on the dice. Then, use one color of dot markers to stamp the corresponding number of dots on a piece of paper. The next person does the same. Then, repeat with the rest of the dot marker colors.

I was one proud Auntie tonight when we were having good night hugs. I told her I had a great day together and asked her what her favorite part was. She said it was the dot game. We’ll definitely play that again. Maybe with a pair of dice next time! She also has a set of counting cards that go up to 15 that we can work up to.
