Tag Archives: USA

November 6th

6 Nov

Today was wonderful because…

I voted.

Simple as that. I exercised my freedoms, and in so doing, I made sure to be “Minnesota Nice” and I “voted no twice” so that the freedoms of all would not be limited.

What a wonderful country we live in. Many people who know me personally know how significant it is for me to be beaming about the USA. I don’t wear my patriotism on my sleeve, in fact, I generally scoff at people who do. This tends to come off negatively to people and the perception is that I am negative about the US. In reality I am proud to live here and I don’t take for granted the liberties, freedoms, and privileges that our citizens have.

PS- As I write this sounds of uncontrollable giggling are emanating from the living room. The type of giggling that only a 4 year old can produce. The type of giggling that sets off a chain reaction of laughter.  The type of giggling that could produce world peace if all of the leaders of the world were put in a room and forced to listen to it.
