Tag Archives: montana

November 8th

8 Nov

Today was wonderful because…

First of all, I got to send off my niece for her day. She picked out her own outfit: black and white striped shirt, jeans, black socks, black and white headband. Then she decided she was a pretty zebra and crawled around the house for awhile. Awesomesauce.

Secondly, I got to indulge in some Shakespeare. I lived in Montana, and still have several friends there. While living there I got to experience Montana Shakespeare in the Parks (seriously: check it out!) and I fell in love. They were having a blow out sale of their summer merchandise so I stocked up. Hamlet t-shirt? Check. Shakespeare traveling tumbler? Check. Flowers of Shakespeare playing cards? Check. Sidenote: you know you’re a HUGE nerd when getting a deck of cards featuring the symbolic flowers used by Shakespeare is the most exciting part of your day.

I also sent a Shakespeare in the Park coffee tumbler to one of my friends in Montana. She has been eyeing it up for, what seems like, ages now, so I decided it was time.

Shakespeare and niece/zebras.
