December 7th

7 Dec

Today was wonderful because…

My niece made me laugh and we got to cuddle.

She does this thing, as most 4 year olds do, where she pretends to be a puppy. I was standing around, holding her this morning, telling her to have a good day, and that I would miss her while she was at daycare, when all of a sudden she licks my face.

Did you catch that?

She licked my face.

I almost dropped her because I was so grossed out. I can deal with pretty much any gross thing a kid does, but the face licking was too much for me. To add insult to injury this is not the first time she has done this to me. It’s just been such a long time since she’s done it that I thought she was over it by now.

There were several other laughable moments this evening, but they involve far too much back story, so just trust me on that.

Cinderella was on tv this evening so my niece and I cuddled on the couch and watched together. I will assert that Cinderella is probably the most underrated Disney Princess movie. Perhaps I was feeling nostalgic, but, dang, I just love it!


(PS. In other news, I finalized our family Christmas letter today, so that’s one big thing off of my to-list!)